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Webquest : About the USA

La carte des USA

recherche web pour répondre à un petit questionnaire


American Flag

- The American flag is called :the.........
- The fifty stars represent the fifty .............. of America.
- The thirteen stripes represent the thirteen English colonies
which became independent states in ....................(Write the year)
- The national anthem is the...................
- The symbol of the USA is the ....................


- The capital of the USA is .......................

- Each state has got a capital. For example :
- The capital of Louisiana is ...................
- Denver is the capital of ......................
- The capital of ..................... is Sacramento.
- ............................. is the capital of Texas.
- ...............................(Choose a State.)

Click on the map.

Start school

Children start school by
saying the .....................

"I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the Republic
for which it stands,
one Nation under God, indivisible,
with liberty and justice for all."


The USA is a democracy.

- The President is elected every SECOND / THIRD / FOURTH years.
(Choose the right word)
- The new American President is ...................
- He is a ............................................
- The symbol of his party is the .......................
- His adversary, ................., is a.....................
- The symbol of his party is the ............................
- The President lives in .................

Cette page est l’adaptation pour internet du travail de Catherine COLIN, Collège d’Ars-sur-Moselle.

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